2020: A year of Rollercoaster Ride

2020 has come to an end, lots of things happen in 2020. Here are some of our editor’s favourites of 2020 recap to celebrate the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 VOX – 2020, in 7 Minutes VOX is an American based news media owned by VOX Media whose famous for their explanatoryContinue reading “2020: A year of Rollercoaster Ride”

How The World Welcome 2021

New year has finally come. It is finally 2021. Usually, the celebration of new year were celebrated in such festivities all around the world, but with the pandemic of COVID-19 most of the new year’s eve celebration and tradition has been called off. Here is how the world welcome 2021. Being the luckiest country toContinue reading “How The World Welcome 2021”

First in US History: An All-Female White House Senior Communications Team

On Sunday, November 30 President Elect of United States of America and Vice President Elect of United States of America, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris announced an all-female White House Senior Communications Team. The historic newly announced team was said to be “experienced, talented, and barrier-shattering” according to Kamala Harris in a statement. The historicContinue reading “First in US History: An All-Female White House Senior Communications Team”

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